Pippin Wright-Stow F3 Design
  • Category Commercial
  • Year completed 2014
  • Location Banks Peninsula
  • Awards 2014 ADNZ Resene Architectural Design Awards -National Winner of the Commercial Interior Category.


Project Description

F3 Design saw this project through from concept to completion, winning the National ADNZ award for Commercial Interior in 2014. SiloStay has eight single units and an accessible/family unit. Each two storey silo is designed to maximise use of space and a sense of privacy for the guests. The unique interior design features make SiloStay both comfortable and stylish. There is a glazed roof light allowing a glimpse of the night sky while relaxing in bed. The shower is accommodated beside the queen size bed upstairs with clever recycling of hot water to heat the towels. The SiloStay Complex also has a custom designed energy silo with glazed panels to house the energy unit. This energy unit houses a gravity fed wood pellet boiler to heat the complex.